Hello World;

This is  Prajwal, an enthusiastic  Web Developer!

About me

I remember the first time I operated a computer back in 6th grade at my cousin's home..alas it was just using paint in windows 98 but it still was the coolest thing ever.

career progress

Fast forward to College where I was introduced to Java which sparked my interest in programming. I've been coding since on and off since but recently a few months back I started considering web development as a career and a step into the software development industry. I've been working to achieve that dream ever since and won't stop until I get there.

Recently, I completed my graduation.And I am looking forward to learn more..!

home run

Well,Apart from coding Cricket remains my first love like most other Indian kids.Its rejuvenating,and refreshing for me.

I see myself to be a full stack developer with specialization in front end.


Here are some of my certifications

Boostrap 4  />

Free Code Camp  />

Free Code Camp  />

Station X  />

AWS Fundamental Machine Learning  />

Solo Learn  />

Lets Connect