
Here goes my blog

git:a simple conceptual explanation for a beginner.

28 Nov 2020

Imagine you and your team is working on same file on a college project which is index.html So..You guys are all set to 'type' the already coded file that you have with you. You both log in with a common id but on different machines and start editing the same file simultaneosly. You would be like "Hey!From Where did this rascal piece of code is coming from..I never wrote it!!Let me delete this" And your friend be like "Why this shitty piece of code is getting deleted always..Coding is such a frustrating?Why did they even invent this???"

Use VSCode Like a Pro - Dummy Blog

22 Nov 2020

VSCode is one of the most popular code editors, skilled use of VSCode can greatly improve our programming efficiency. Here I will introduce some advanced tips for using VSCode, which I hope will help you. Here are the features I’m going to talk about:

The Secret of Simple Code-Dummy Blog

1 Nov 2020

Is there a shortcut to becoming a 10x developer? Is there some magical secret that — if you only knew it — would unlock a whole new world of software development mastery and productivity for you?

Coming soon..!

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